
Showing posts from August, 2020

Language and Forms of Media

Any media product is made up of a bunch of codes, no matter what the final product is  Of course you must be wondering what on earth are 'codes'. Basically a code is a system of components which gives a proper meaning to something, like captions give meanings to memes Example: In this specific picture, the caption gives a funny meaning to the picture, so basically codes are anything that give meaning to your media product. Some examples include dialogues, captions, body language, lighting. Codes can be further divided into four categories to have a better understanding > Technical code, this includes: Camera Technique  including camera angles, how a camera   is positioned for a specific scene, the distance from an object, and whether the camera is moving or stationary Depth of Field  which measures how much area is covered in one shot Lighting and Exposure  which covers things like whether the lighting is dull or bright . This can make an enormous difference on the final pro

Basics of Media

 All of us always get the full product, whether it's a video on YouTube, Instagram, TV show, movie or even a magazine cover , but there is so much that goes into one piece of media! So let's start with the most basic components > Media forms and language : This basically the language of the product as it already implies, but studying this subject i got to know it also  includes all the actions of characters, all the ways through which something is communicated throughout the media and all the codes which I'll discuss in my next blog in detail. > The next is Institution : basically the company that you work with that provides you with the budget and movie sets, in other words a production company like: FOX > Next up: Genre, which is self explanatory > Next in our list is Representation : Basically knowing what group of people you wanna represent in your media piece, for example 'The Big Bang Theory' represents scientists  > Of course we can't

Set Brief

 Main task: the front page, contents and feature article (of at least two pages) of a new magazine. If done as a group task, each member of the group should produce a unique edition of the magazine that follows the same house style. There should be a maximum of four members to a group. All images and text used in the main task must be original and produced by the candidate(s) with a minimum of four images per candidate. This task should be preceded by relevant preliminary exercises to build up candidates’ skills with equipment and their understanding of conventions.

Get to know me!

Hey! here to get to know me? Let's start with the basics; my name is Ayesha Hussain and I just started my  A-levels. I opted for media studies because i want to understand all the little components, that end up making an entire movie. Another reason is: media is one of the best ways to express yourself whether it is love, hate or concern relating to some topic. A little more about me: I'm a pretty boring person who loves taking pictures of nature, going on walks and just watching tv series.  InShaAllah I'll be posting on this blog frequently