Basics of Media

 All of us always get the full product, whether it's a video on YouTube, Instagram, TV show, movie or even a magazine cover , but there is so much that goes into one piece of media!
So let's start with the most basic components

> Media forms and language: This basically the language of the product as it already implies, but studying this subject i got to know it also  includes all the actions of characters, all the ways through which something is communicated throughout the media and all the codes which I'll discuss in my next blog in detail.

> The next is Institution: basically the company that you work with that provides you with the budget and movie sets, in other words a production company like: FOX

> Next up: Genre, which is self explanatory

> Next in our list is Representation: Basically knowing what group of people you wanna represent in your media piece, for example 'The Big Bang Theory' represents scientists 

> Of course we can't forget the Audience: Audience can depend on age group, gender, religion, cultural background, for example: a cartoon show like 'Dexter's  targetted audience is kids

> Next is Ideology: The message behind the final media product. Example: one of the message behind 'Friends' which was constantly portrayed was: hard work pays off!

>Finally we come to Narrative: This represents how the story is told, including: audio and visuals, basically the final editing. Example 'Young Sheldon' which is a sequel of 'The big bang Theory' represents the views and story of only one character and a person narrates his own story.
This is a difficult thing to remember so our teacher taught us a fun Nimonic:

Media forms and language

This surely will be easy to remember, cause you get a lot of them during the start of A-levels 


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