Camera Shots and Angles

 Understanding types of camera shots and angles is crucial in photography and media, and to explore that even further we were assigned to take different camera shots. I personally found this assignment very interesting and fun 

EXTREME LONG SHOT: It is used to show landscapes or provide of view of a whole world (A city, town) where the story is set

LONG SHOT: Typically shows the entire object or human figure and is usually intended to place it in some relation to its surroundings 

FULL SHOT: A full shot is a variation of the long shot, showing the full subject

MEDIUM LONG SHOT; Also know as three-quarters shot, frames the whole subject from the knees up

MEDIUM SHOT: Shows the body from mid-shin or mid-thigh up

MEDIUM CLOSE UP It is a shot that is from the character's shoulders and above

2 SHOT: A shot of two people together 

OVER THE SHOULDER: Taken from behind a subject yo see someone else, used to show conversation between two people

POINT OF VIEW: This shows the view of point of an actor

CLOSE-UP: A shot of just the character's face

EXTREME CLOSE-UP: The shot is so tight that only a detail of the subjects such as eyes can be seen

CHOKER SHOT: Shows the subject form just above the eyebrows to just below the mouth

MACRO SHOT: Extreme close-up of the subject, in which the size of the subject in the photograph is greater then the life size


AERIAL SHOT: This shot is a view from above, It shows everything that happens from a birds eye view

HIGH ANGLE: Positions the the camera above eye level, looking down on the subject which as a result appears small or minute

EYE LEVEL: Positioned at eye level of the subject, overall the impression is neutral

LOW ANGLE: Has the camera looking up at the subject which in return appears domineering

OBLIQUE ANGLE: Shot by laterally tilting the camera

That concludes all the shots and angles I learned


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