Rules of Photography

 After Shots and Angles, 'Rules of Photography' comes next in our syllabus and are as crucial as shots and angles. Our teacher gave us a basic understanding of 'photography rules' and here is my interpretation of them

RULE OF THIRDS: This involves mentally dividing the up your image using two horizontal and two vertical lines and then positioning the most important elements in your scene along these lines

In the following picture the important element is placed in one side of the frame

LEADING LINES: When we look at a photo our eyes are naturally drawn along lines. By positioning these lines differently, one can change the way an image is viewed

SYMMETRY AND PATTERN: Using symmetry in patterns in the surrounding for very eye catching compositions particularly when it isn't expected


DEPTH OF FIELD: Creating depth in a photo by including objects in the foreground, middle-ground, background


SHALLOW FOCUS: Only focusing on the subject

DEEP FOCUS: Focus is on the subject as well as the background 


HEAD ROOM: Giving the optimal distance between the top of the subject's head and the top of the frame


LEAD/NOSE ROOM: It is the space in front, and in the  direction of, moving or stationery subject



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