Codes and Convections of Tech Magazine

 Here are the basic codes and convection of tech magazines that I observed

Technical Codes

Angles and shots: From what I have observed, if the tech magazines includes a photo of a person (which is usually the case) it's mostly mid-shot or mid long shot. When a tech magazine includes a picture of a gadget or technology product, it is a full shot. Angle is kept at eye-level for easier perception for the viewer

Lighting: Both high-key and low-key lighting is used but low-key is used more often because it allows to create shadows and add depth. High key lighting is used to bring attention to the subject and attract the reader Using low-key lighting also allows one to add green and blue lights (cool tones). example

The cool blue tones are used to show a hologram

Symbolic Codes: All tech magazines tend to have black, white, green and blue colours or undertones. Tech magazines try to use a celebrity for their cover or a full shot of the latest technology. A lot of shadows will be seen in these magazines and the palette is kept neutral often. Tech Magazines are many times kept simple to attract a certain audience. The font is kept professional 

Written Codes: 

MastHeads: are generally kept white or white with undertones of blue, gray or green. From what I have seen the font used is serif font. This is done because the person interested in this magazine would care less about the appearance and more about the information therefor it is kept similar to professional articles. Are located at the top mainly 


Mian Coverline: These are usually information based and are not very sensational. it is tradutionally kept in the same font as the masthead or in black and white, but a colour is added in some cases. Similar to the masthead the colour palette is kept neutral

Buzzword: Buzzword is usually associated with gadgets or time period  like "100 new startups" or "30 years"


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