Prominent People

 After conducting this extensive research here are the most prominent people in tech magazines

  • Elon Musk: Elon Musk is business magnate, philanthropist, industrial designer, an engineer and is involved in the development of biggest tech projects like 'PayPal' or 'Tesla'. Musk is so well know and is an inspiration to many in the tech world

  • Mark Zuckerberg: Mark is an American media magnate, internet entrepreneur, philanthropist and of course the founder of Face Book ( which he founded just at the age of 20!)

  • Jeff Bezos: Jeff Bezos is an American internet entrepreneur, industrialist and investor. Bezos changed the course of online shopping by founding the multi-national company know as 'Amazon'. For the past three years Bezos is known as the richest man of the world

  • Bill Gates: Everybody knows that Bill Gates is the co-founder of Micro Soft and has since then inspired many software developers.

  • Steve Jobs: The work of Steve Jobs will never be redundant, after all he is the Co-founder of Apple including: 'iPhone',  'iPad',  'iTunes', 'iMac' ; all these are used widely today

  • Linus Torvalds: Whilst mentioning Apple, one can't forget it's biggest competitor: Android which uses operating systems created by the one and only Linus Torvalds


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