Prominent Trends

 This part was the part I enjoyed the most from my research. Here are some of the biggest trends in technology that seems like we can't live without

  • Artificial Intelligence: The increasing ability of machines to learn and act intelligently will absolutely transform our world. It is also the driving force behind many of the other trends on this list. AI includes our social media, phones, laptops, apps.

  • The Internet of Things: This refers to the ever-growing number of “smart” devices and objects that are connected to the internet. Such devices are constantly gathering and transmitting data, further fueling the growth in Big Data and AI. How cool is it that we can access our images through gmail from any part of the world that has internet!

  • Wearable Technologies: This includes all the smart watches that one can wear to record data 'distance walked' 'blood pressure' 'heart rate'. These devices sort of learn your routine and tries to help you. Some products of android even offer stress rate taking your heart rate and blood pressure and other vitals into account. 

  • Virtual Reality: 3d has been in the industry for a long time but now with new version like 5d one can get an even more real experience, this is done by adding motion to it. Virtual Reality has also become a huge part of gaming

  • Computer vision and facial recognition: 10 years ago retinal scanning would be associated with high security, luxury and power but today it's just a part of phone security system

  • Genetic Engineering: Many advancements are being made in genetic engineering, understanding DNA or how to positively affect plant growth, allows us to use artificial conditions to our advantage. Understanding DNA better can lead to cures to any medical problems such as cancer


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