
Showing posts from November, 2020

Unique Selling Points

 Everything, whether it is a content creator, magazine, video, song needs to have a unique-factor in order for it to stand out amongst the rest which will lead to high approval which eventually will lead to increased income or fame I'm confident my magazine has a number of unique selling points and here is a brief explanation of them USP

Magazine proposal

 Here are some basic details for my magazine M Magazine proposal

Name selection!

 After all the research, came the most exciting part, naming my magazine! I did my research on the selection of my magazine name, I went through different technological terms, trends, shows and movies. as well as magazines and ended up with five names  I couldn't decide between the five names. so in order to reach a final decision I put up a poll on my Instagram while eliminating the name 'Eureka' and the majority vote was for Crypto with a majority audience of 15-17 year old teenagers All the names I considered would immediately connect the genre with the name, and would be captivating enough for the target audience Crypto is a programming language, and cryptography is 'the art of writing codes' thus as soon as the user hears this word it is automatically connected to coding, thus connecting to technology, furthermore it's an easy word to say and remember while being catchy at the same time

Survey Results

 I conducted my survey and here are the results


Here is the survey that i conducted survey  

My Target Audience

  Demographics Considering that my magazine genre is technology, my primary target audience will be male aged from 15-35 .Usually males are into video games and technical stuff. Mainly in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad and Peshawar (Urban areas) will read this magazine Phycographics All the people interested in technology(phones, video games, cameras)  People who are majoring in computer science Social Class: Middle Class and higher People with curious minds who love educating themselves Secondary Audience  My secondary audience would include girls who are interested in technology as well as people over 35. People seeking a medical career would also be considered in m y secondary audience as there is a lot of advancements made in genetic engineering.