Preliminary task photography

 Every task requires planning and preparation and many times there is also inspiration behind this preparation, similarly for my preliminary task I had inspiration pictures that I'd follow

I went with a tabby cat instead of a Persian, firstly because when I was researching upon this, I found more Tabby cats on the cover rather then Persian, Secondly in Pakistan Tabby cats are very common and a very little percentage of them are kept as pets because, people prefer other breeds, and this is why I went with a Tabby because I wanted to prove that even Tabby's are adorable. I also went with an outdoor lighting because I wanted people to instantly think of street cats when they see my magazine

This the body language I wanted

This is the breed I wanted, and the expressions.

This is the picture I choose because the colours are in contrast with each other, and for my cover I wanted the to look into the camera.

This was a strong contender in terms of colours and lighting and body language but the background didn't work out so I decided against it 

This is another approach I tried, I wanted it to look like how street cats look, I wanted to capture her in her element but unfortunately, I wasn't able to

 I loved the vibrant colours of this picture but since my cat wasn't looking into the camera, and her tail isn't in the shot, I decided against it


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