Post Production: Content Page

 First step was of course, setting my canvas up

Next step was colouring the canvas black and adding 'contents'

I wanted a little colour so I added a rectangle behind the text, I chose this font following the convention of technological magazines

Next I made the each article layer

For the explanation I went with simple Arial font because I wanted it to look a normal piece of writing, not giving it much importance
For the page number font I choose this because it is visible and goes with the magazines convention
For the heading I choose this font because it looks aesthetically pleasing and goes with the genre

Next I just duplicated the layer one by one and changed it accoridingly

I just added all the contents and after adding all of them I made three section

I grouped them like so

For the section headings I used these blending tool because I wanted it to be slightly different, without changing the colour.


 added images and more section, however I didn't like the final look so I changes the layout

After this a little formatting was left so I divided into 4 columns 

This the final look


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