Post production: Double spread


  First step was setting up my canvas which I did according to my magazine

Next came the image 

Next I added title 

I went with this colour because it is the colour of food panda, I also wanted some contrasting colour with black and white.

I choose this font so it looks like a title

Next I added the stand first 

At this stage, I started dividing my double spread into colums

I choose this font because it gives the impression, it is a saying; which it is

Then I added the subtitle and the by line

Next I added my article and divided it into two columns and divided the entire page into 4 columns

I choose the Arial font here as this was a paragraph, I kept the colour white so more attention is diverted towards the pink stand first

I added the foodpanda logo because it relates to the article

I added a pink square in one of the columns so I can add quote, I choose this colour because it went with the theme

I picked this quote from the article and went with this colour because it looked aesthetically pleasing with the pink

I added the page number and switched the two columns 

I forgot to add the drop cap so I added that at he very end

I realised at this point that the font was 15 so i changed that as well as the placement of the Stand first

Next i further divided my text into columns and did some final formatting and changes, I switched the food pand logo for a longer one and I changed position of my stand first, I added my final image 

I used this as a secondary image because i liked how the laptop fades into the background emphasis is put on impressions

This is my final double spread
I deliberately added the foodpanda logo so a theme is set
I kept the theme dark because I wanted to portray the anxiety and darkness felt  by zareen


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