Post production: Selecting and Deselecting

 Now came the time to choose my final pictures, I first shortlisted it to 15 and then further shortlisted them

I really liked this picture, however this picture exceeded 'close mid-shot' so I decide not to use it for my cover, the lighting also isn't very clear and creates a dark corner which isn't what my concept encapsulates, my concept basically shows the journey to success, where blue represents all the hardships and failures and the green represents hope and happiness 

This was another considered picture but the angling isn't quite right

I was confused amongst these 2 pictures but ended up picking this one because the model seemed to conect more with the audience in this one, a more friendly expression is seen and a better face angle is capture so this was my final magazine cover image

Final Cover Image

This picture captured the concept I was going for but angling wasn't right, the model isn't in the middle of the frame 

 In this picture the model isn't exactly in the center and the laptop is blending into the picture

This is the final picture


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