Production Day 2

 The day i anticipated for months finally came, we ran into some hurdles; especially time, the shoot begin 2 hours after the initial time set. Unfortunately I got sick on the day that I had waited for months so I was set back some hours.

Even though I had planned everything, I had to make some last minute changes, example the location and the model's outfit, because black absorbs light which was my original plan

There was no need for a set up before the model got here because all of the light set up dependent on her. I told my model what to wear and the makeup look to go for and she came absolutely ready for the photoshoot, she reached my house at 8. 

By 8.05 we had begun our photoshoot.

A preview of the location, here my model sat on the chair, for the cover story photoshoot 

These were the two spots in my room where I did the photoshoot, I took the main cover pictures against the wall next to the door, I also took the picture for my double spread.

I had my model hold two phones in which the app 'screen flashlight' was installed. She held the phones on both her sides to create a half and half look between the shades. 

This is how the pictures turned out:

Next came the double spread photoshoot, in which the only source of light was the laptop's light for this picture. I tried 2 locations in my room

This was the spot against the wall next to the door

 Over here the model is sitting on a chair and while it is not clear in the picture, the laptop has a screen open which says 'business ideas'

I tried the front angle for this image but it didn't have the same affect as this one, the front angle reduced the shadows thus making it less affective 

I tried two hair looks and decided to go with the messy bun as it adheres more to my concept

      A little behind the scenes                                                                                             



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