
Showing posts from September, 2020

Analyzing Content Pages

After analyzing covers, the next step was the to analyze content pages so our teacher taught us about the layout of these pages, all the information that has to be a part of the magazine like date. We also learned about the colour and topography, header and footer and how all the sections are divided After learning the basics, we were given an assignment to analyze content pages keeping all these factors in mind Content Page

Analyzing Magazine Cover

Since our main task for A1 is magazine, we learned even further about magazines. Our teacher gave us an assignment of analyzing Codes and Convections of three magazine of our choice  Magazine Number 1:  Cover 1 Magazine Number 2:   Cover 2 Magazine Number 3:  Cover 3

My understanding of Magazines

 Let's go way back to sixteenth century; the first magazine believed to be created was in 1663, by a German theologian and poet Johann Rist created a periodical called Erbauliche Monaths-Unterredungen which  lasted for 5 years and during this course it mainly summarized new books and welcomed scholarly articles. Finally 1672 the first the concept of magazines unrelated to education appeared and this was introduced by  Le Mercure Galan and Jean Donneau de VizĂ©, which contained news, songs, short verses and gossip, many scholars at the time critiqued this form of magazine .  Seventeenth century was a time of increased literacy so the importance of magazine grew. It wasn't until 1731 that the word 'magazine' was invented In 1842, British newsagent Herbert Ingram created the first illustrated magazine A lot has changed now, for instance magazines are in portrait form now Noe coming back to the current times: There is a huge variety of magazines depending on genre like: food

Looking into cover story

 After a long time we finally had our first media studies class offline and during that we briefly went over codes and convections, and connotation and denotation. Since it was our first physical class our teacher gave us magazines, and our task was to identify the 'Main Cover line' and the 'Cover Story' from the magazine The magazine I got     The main cover line here is  'Attire'                                                                                           The Cover Story            I personally was expecting an entire cover story but at the end, it just turned out to be cover shoot which was pretty disappointing.

Rules of Photography

 After Shots and Angles, 'Rules of Photography' comes next in our syllabus and are as crucial as shots and angles. Our teacher gave us a basic understanding of 'photography rules' and here is my interpretation of them RULE OF THIRDS: This involves mentally dividing the up your image using two horizontal and two vertical lines and then positioning the most important elements in your scene along these lines In the following picture the important element is placed in one side of the frame LEADING LINES: When we look at a photo our eyes are naturally drawn along lines. By positioning these lines differently, one can change the way an image is viewed SYMMETRY AND PATTERN: Using symmetry in patterns in the surrounding for very eye catching compositions particularly when it isn't expected                DEPTH OF FIELD: Creating depth in a photo by including objects in the foreground, middle-ground, background                        SHALLOW FOCUS: Only focusing on the subje

Camera Shots and Angles

 Understanding types of camera shots and angles is crucial in photography and media, and to explore that even further we were assigned to take different camera shots. I personally found this assignment very interesting and fun  EXTREME LONG SHOT: It is used to show landscapes or provide of view of a whole world (A city, town) where the story is set LONG SHOT: Typically shows the entire object or human figure and is usually intended to place it in some relation to its surroundings   FULL SHOT: A full shot is a variation of the long shot, showing the full subject MEDIUM LONG SHOT; Also know as three-quarters shot, frames the whole subject from the knees up MEDIUM SHOT: Shows the body from mid-shin or mid-thigh up MEDIUM CLOSE UP It is a shot that is from the character's shoulders and above 2 SHOT : A shot of two people together  OVER THE SHOULDER:  Taken from behind a subject yo see someone else, used to show conversation between two people POINT OF VIEW: This shows the view o