
Showing posts from December, 2020

Publishing House and Distribution Strategy

 For my publishing house , I chose Dawn, because it is well known and loved in Pakistan. Dawn paper has a variety of topic ranging from business to sports to advertisment; this shows that dawn is open to individuality which means the magazine will be open to a variety of people, moreover Dawn already caters to my target market and English speaking audience Distribution : The print form of magazine will be available in populated and urban areas of Pakistan (Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Peshawar) at grocery stores, malls, books shops and stationery shops. An online copy will be also available with the same price and delivery of these magazines will also be provided in the urban areas. As for areas less populated; a small amout of copies will be sent to the main market of a city.

House style of Crypto

 Colour Palette : Every magazine issue will bring it's own individuality to the magazine, focusing on the model's personality or the situation that is trying to be portrayed. While every magazine will include colour, all the magazines will have a similar colour palette in common, with a different splash of colour for every issue Masthead: I went this font because it almost seems robotic which helps conveying my genre


 For my model I've choose o dear fried of mine. I choose her because I know she can deliver the expressions I'm looking for which are confident and worried, since both of these are at the opposite ends of the spectrum I think show would be a perfect fit. Considering she's my friend; it'll  be really easy to work and coordinate with her.

Recce sheet

 For my location, I went with my house basement. As it is an enclosed space with very little natural light, it'll help with low-key lighting. The room doesn't have alot of furniture so there will be ample space for equipment. I have a projector which could help me play with lighting and shadows


 Here is a detailed description of my mise-en-scène. For the cover I want a person standing with a phone from which a logo is being projected  For the coverstory I want to show a worried person at nighr. This is just a basic idea, I made a presentation to further explain it. Mise-en-scène

Mockups and rough sketches

  This is rough idea of what I envision for my final coverpage This is my envision for the coverstory


  These are my inspiration for my cover picture. Basically I want it to be a mid long shot and for my subject to stand in a light and background as the first picture, whilst holding a phone projecting the Foodpanda logo I went with this theme, because my survey voted for 'shades    of blue and green', another reason was to relate this to technology with going in a colour like this, because it is usually the colours of different scanner. For my coverstory I want to show my subject worried and urgency going through his head I want this lighting and background with different expressions and dressing. I want show the urgency going through the person's head. This lighting also symbolizes a dark time.

Coverstory article

Here is my final article for Crypto's doublespread/coverstory I went for this cover story because I have the power to sensationalise it as much as I want. Also in this pandemic many people were worried about their future so this article would be relatable to a certain degree Final Coverstory

Final Coverstory Brainstorming

 After going through a number of ideas, I eliminated all those which weren't possible to execute due to location, as I couldn't photograph it myself. After eliminating all the ideas, I was left with two; first was to interview someone within my country who secured themselves a job in Microsoft or Tesla, the second idea was to interview the founder of a app, widely used in Pakistan I went with my second because with the first one I won't be able to sensationalise it as much.