
Showing posts from February, 2021

Final preliminary cover

 Here is my final preliminary cover 

More details about my preliminary cover

 Following the different cat magazines I found online, I anted to go for a cat against a white coloured back groud which I achieved by using the lasso tool. I tried that but I didn't like the results thus i tried other background colours, and didn't like any one of them so I ended up using the original background  I went with with yellow and white colour scheme, but was confused whether to put in more yellow, or more white, so I tried both and went with the first one   I really wanted to add a pug and puff but couldn't decide on the colour but after trying a few of them, i ended up choosing green Since I liked the green one better I went with that At the of completing this cover, the font didn't seem playful enough for a cat magazine so i ended up changing that. This is the previous font This is the final font


 I went with a minimalist layout for my cover because I wanted it to be simple yet eye-catching

Planning of the preliminary magazine cover

 'Practice makes perfect' practicing one skill can lead one to exceptional results, similarly we are doing a preliminary task which will prepare us for our main task, for me personally it would give me an understanding of where I stand, and where do I need to improve myself. Here are some details for my magazine For my genre I went with 'pet magazine' because I personally have an emotional attachment to cats, and have had hem for the past 5 years thus I'm familiar with their body language and their expressions, and have an idea  on how to work with them. Considering the covid-19 situation, making a cat magazine was accessible For dimensions I went with 10.4 by 7.7 inches because I think that's the optimum size and would suit by genre. i choose 'CATZEN" as my name; I wanted something catchy and easy to remember and include the word 'cat' in it; because as I was researching upon this, every cat magazine had the word 'cat' in it I took the

Preliminary task photography

 Every task requires planning and preparation and many times there is also inspiration behind this preparation, similarly for my preliminary task I had inspiration pictures that I'd follow I went with a tabby cat instead of a Persian, firstly because when I was researching upon this, I found more Tabby cats on the cover rather then Persian, Secondly in Pakistan Tabby cats are very common and a very little percentage of them are kept as pets because, people prefer other breeds, and this is why I went with a Tabby because I wanted to prove that even Tabby's are adorable. I also went with an outdoor lighting because I wanted people to instantly think of street cats when they see my magazine This the body language I wanted This is the breed I wanted, and the expressions. This is the picture I choose because the colours are in contrast with each other, and for my cover I wanted the to look into the camera. This was a strong contender in terms of colours and lighting and body languag