
Creative critical reflection

  How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? • How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? • How did your production skills develop throughout this project? • How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project Throughout my research for my portfolio, I came to the conclusion that most tech magazines such as 'Wired' use a mid shot or a mid long shot of a person which is exactly the route I took for all three; magazine cover, double spread and contents page. Tech magazines have a variety of lighting, it's either high-key light with bright colours or low-key lightning with undertones of blue and green, I went for the latter as I felt it conveyed they meaning that I wanted it too. Unlike most tech magazines, I opted for low-key lighting to set a certain theme for the magazine Unlike many tech magazines. For the typography, I went wi

Post Production: Content Page

 First step was of course, setting my canvas up Next step was colouring the canvas black and adding 'contents' I wanted a little colour so I added a rectangle behind the text, I chose this font following the convention of technological magazines Next I made the each article layer For the explanation I went with simple Arial font because I wanted it to look a normal piece of writing, not giving it much importance For the page number font I choose this because it is visible and goes with the magazines convention For the heading I choose this font because it looks aesthetically pleasing and goes with the genre Next I just duplicated the layer one by one and changed it accoridingly I just added all the contents and after adding all of them I made three section I grouped them like so For the section headings I used these blending tool because I wanted it to be slightly different, without changing the colour. I  added images and more section, however I didn't like the final look

Post production: Double spread

th   First step was setting up my canvas which I did according to my magazine Next came the image  Next I added title  I went with this colour because it is the colour of food panda, I also wanted some contrasting colour with black and white. I choose this font so it looks like a title Next I added the stand first  At this stage, I started dividing my double spread into colums I choose this font because it gives the impression, it is a saying; which it is Then I added the subtitle and the by line Next I added my article and divided it into two columns and divided the entire page into 4 columns I choose the Arial font here as this was a paragraph, I kept the colour white so more attention is diverted towards the pink stand first I added the foodpanda logo because it relates to the article I added a pink square in one of the columns so I can add quote, I choose this colour because it went with the theme I picked this quote from the article and went with this colour because it looked aest

Post production: Cover Page

  The first step was setting my canvas up, these are the dimension I choose for my magazine Next added the image and the title, i already had decided the font in my planning so I just applied that Next I added the date I started adding my cover lines, The one saying 'moon race' first I tried out that font and then I tried the "the new imac' font, I liked this one better and felt it suited my genre more These two cover lines next to each other also helped me decide the colour palette for the cover lines  This how both the cover lines turned out with the same font and colour palette Next I added the main cover line and the barcode and this was my final result 

Comparing layouts

 After the selection of the pictures, came the time to comapre the layouts Seeing this I decided to eliminate the pugg and puff and singular cover line on the right

Post production: Selecting and Deselecting

 Now came the time to choose my final pictures, I first shortlisted it to 15 and then further shortlisted them I really liked this picture, however this picture exceeded 'close mid-shot' so I decide not to use it for my cover, the lighting also isn't very clear and creates a dark corner which isn't what my concept encapsulates, my concept basically shows the journey to success, where blue represents all the hardships and failures and the green represents hope and happiness    This was another considered picture but the angling isn't quite right I was confused amongst these 2 pictures but ended up picking this one because the model seemed to conect more with the audience in this one, a more friendly expression is seen and a better face angle is capture so this was my final magazine cover image Final Cover Image This picture captured the concept I was going for but angling wasn't right, the model isn't in the middle of the frame   In this picture the model isn

Production Day 2

 The day i anticipated for months finally came, we ran into some hurdles; especially time, the shoot begin 2 hours after the initial time set. Unfortunately I got sick on the day that I had waited for months so I was set back some hours. Even though I had planned everything, I had to make some last minute changes, example the location and the model's outfit, because black absorbs light which was my original plan There was no need for a set up before the model got here because all of the light set up dependent on her. I told my model what to wear and the makeup look to go for and she came absolutely ready for the photoshoot, she reached my house at 8.  By 8.05 we had begun our photoshoot. A preview of the location, here my model sat on the chair, for the cover story photoshoot  These were the two spots in my room where I did the photoshoot, I took the main cover pictures against the wall next to the door, I also took the picture for my double spread. I had my model hold two phones i