
Showing posts from October, 2020

Target Audience

  While making a magazine one has take the target audience into account in order to sell their respective magazine. Target audience and target market go hand in hand, target market is basically the market area where one would get the most buyers for their product, this will vary with different products. In some cases target market could be a city too Market segmentation is done to achieve the optimum results. Market segmentation is basically dividing into different groups whilst keeping these aspects in mind: Demographic: This basically includes all the physical aspects like one's age, gender, occupation, education, ethnicity and their social-economic class which is further divided into categories from A-E Psycographic: All that appeals to one's emotional value are a part of psycgraphic. This will includes one personality, whether that person is an introvert or an extrovert, many of these products try to convince you that your life would be better eith this product by appealing

Prominent Trends

 This part was the part I enjoyed the most from my research. Here are some of the biggest trends in technology that seems like we can't live without Artificial Intelligence: The increasing ability of machines to learn and act intelligently will absolutely transform our world. It is also the driving force behind many of the other trends on this list. AI includes our social media, phones, laptops, apps. The Internet of Things: This refers to the ever-growing number of “smart” devices and objects that are connected to the internet. Such devices are constantly gathering and transmitting data, further fueling the growth in Big Data and AI. How cool is it that we can access our images through gmail from any part of the world that has internet! Wearable Technologies: This includes all the smart watches that one can wear to record data 'distance walked' 'blood pressure' 'heart rate'. These devices sort of learn your routine and tries to help you. Some products of a

Representation on Cover

 Magazines have to cater to a large audience therefor they to target their audience and represent what the audience will find interesting. Here are some pointers I gathered about Representation on Cover of tech magazines Blue light is associated with holograms and green light is associated night vision and therefor is greatly used tech magazines.  Many prominent people like Elon Musk are used in the cover to attract a larger audience by adding the celebrity factor; a certain celebrity who many people look up to in their field Some tech magazines are kept simple with only information on the cover Some use scale models or something sensational like rocket on their cover. Gadgets are commonly advertised on the covers   

Codes and Convections of Tech Magazine

 Here are the basic codes and convection of tech magazines that I observed Technical Codes Angles and shots: From what I have observed, if the tech magazines includes a photo of a person (which is usually the case) it's mostly mid-shot or mid long shot. When a tech magazine includes a picture of a gadget or technology product, it is a full shot. Angle is kept at eye-level for easier perception for the viewer Lighting: Both high-key and low-key lighting is used but low-key is used more often because it allows to create shadows and add depth. High key lighting is used to bring attention to the subject and attract the reader Using low-key lighting also allows one to add green and blue lights (cool tones). example The cool blue tones are used to show a hologram Symbolic Codes: All tech magazines tend to have black, white, green and blue colours or undertones. Tech magazines try to use a celebrity for their cover or a full shot of the latest technology. A lot of shadows will be seen in

Prominent People

 After conducting this extensive research here are the most prominent people in tech magazines Elon Musk: Elon Musk is business magnate, philanthropist, industrial designer, an engineer and is involved in the development of biggest tech projects like 'PayPal' or 'Tesla'. Musk is so well know and is an inspiration to many in the tech world Mark Zuckerberg: Mark is an American media magnate, internet entrepreneur, philanthropist and of course the founder of Face Book ( which he founded just at the age of 20!) Jeff Bezos: Jeff Bezos is an American internet entrepreneur, industrialist and investor. Bezos changed the course of online shopping by founding the multi-national company know as 'Amazon'. For the past three years Bezos is known as the richest man of the world Bill Gates: Everybody knows that Bill Gates is the co-founder of Micro Soft and has since then inspired many software developers. Steve Jobs: The work of Steve Jobs will never be redundant, after all h

Extensive Genre Research (Prominent Magazines)

 After researching, here is a list of the prominent magazines in the tech world Prominent Magazines

Genre Selection

 Since for our final magazine we are suppose to select a genre, we were asked to select a genre and briefly give an explanation for our choice My selection of genre is 'Technology'  Explanation: Many people in Pakistan love listening to stories about the developing technology but that limits them because they are not willing to take out the time to do any research on it so magazine will help them in that.. I'm confident that this magazine will sell because this will cater to huge audience who want something besides fashion and lifestyle magazines. I'll also have an emotional attachment to this magazine because I personally love educating myself, finding more and more out about the world and media pieces that makes one think, so if I could astonish people with the most recent advancements in technology, I'll be useful to the society and that would give me a feeling of internal happiness  


 Today in our class we briefly discussed Genre and its's classifications and affects and this is my understanding Genre is a way of categorizing literature, type of art or music according to a specific style, content or style. This process of categorizing usually depends on age, ethnicity, and individual taste  Genre is an affective way of helping people find exactly, or something close to what they enjoy in different forms of arts like: movies, music, literature. Some specific genres also helps one understand themselves and people of their age group better, e.g: teen magazines While genre does help the consumers of media, it also makes it repetitive and boring, because the element of  "surprise" is very little which is really crucial in genres like horror. Genre also limits our creators because they have to adhere to a certain type and thus can't create something 'different'

Analyzing Double Spread

 Since we have to make double spread for our A1, we need to understand what are double spreads exactly and what are their code and convections and layouts. For a better understanding we went through codes, convections and layout and here is my understanding,  in form of two double spreads First Doublespread Second Doublespread